Who We Are
The Soledad Medical Clinic is a community-based health care entity that is recognized as a place of wellness services. Under the umbrella of the Soledad Community Health Care District, the Soledad Medical Clinic offers a varitety of health options, disease prevention and health promotion since 1992. This clinic offers a broad range of interactive, evidence-based health and wellness programs designed to enhance long-term support and servcies that educate people about chronic health conditions and guidiance towards healthy life choices.
To anticipate and provide services to meet the health care needs of the people we serve.
To provide comprehensive community based health care to meet your family's needs now and in the future.

Core Values
Coming together in the spirit of:
- Caring
- Responsive
- Collaborative
- Concerned
- Respectful
- Honesty
Soledad is the fastest growing community in Monterey County. Compared to the more urban areas of Monterey County, Soledad has a statistically lower average household income, a larger family size, a larger percentage of minorities and our population is primarily employed in agriculture.
In the next five years, the city's population growth is expected to continue to grow rapidly. As the community gtows, so do the health care needs. Identifying and meeting the needs of the Soledad community is our first priority, thus the Soledad Rural Health Clinic seeks to expand programs and services to serve the growing local demand.
The population of Soledad at recent census was just under 23,000. The clinic is accessed by a population that includes the surrounding communities and rural areas in South Monterey County. This adds an additional 30,000 people to the area that seeks our Medical Clinic services.